What should a solar system generate per day in the UK

May 8, 2024

In an era where environmental concerns are at the forefront of societal issues, renewable energy sources are increasingly crucial. The UK, in particular, has seen a significant shift towards sustainable living, with solar energy playing a pivotal role in this transition. Homeowners and environmental advocates alike are turning to solar power as a viable means to reduce carbon footprints and promote green living. This comprehensive guide aims to illuminate the potential of solar systems in the UK and how much energy they can generate daily.

Introduction to Solar Energy

Solar power harnesses the sun’s energy by converting light into electricity, using photovoltaic (PV) panels. Over recent years, the UK has made substantial investments in solar technology, recognising its importance in achieving a sustainable future. Despite the UK’s notoriety for overcast skies, solar energy has flourished, proving to be a reliable source of clean power.

Read more about Solar PV efficiency in the UK on our blog

Understanding Solar Panel Efficiency

Solar panel efficiency is determined by the amount of sunlight panels can convert into usable electricity. Various factors influence efficiency, including the type of solar panels, the angle and orientation of panels, and geographical location. Modern solar panels typically offer efficiencies between 15% and 20%, with some high-end models reaching above 22%.

Calculating Solar Panel Output

To gauge the daily output of a solar system, consider solar panel ratings (measured in watts), the average number of daylight hours, and environmental factors such as shading and location. In the UK, the average solar panel system size is around 3.5 kW, and on a day with 4-5 hours of sunshine, such a system can produce about 14-17.5 kWh. However, this output can fluctuate based on the time of year and weather conditions.

Real-Life Examples

Consider a household in southern England with a 4 kW solar system. During summer months, it’s not uncommon for the system to generate about 20 kWh on a sunny day, enough to run the average household’s electrical appliances. In contrast, winter generation may drop to around 1-2 kWh, highlighting the seasonal variability in solar energy production.

Maximizing Solar System Efficiency

To ensure your solar system performs optimally, regular maintenance is essential. Cleaning panels to remove dust and debris can prevent efficiency losses. Additionally, investing in energy storage solutions like batteries can store excess power generated during the day for use during peak times or less sunny periods.

The Future of Solar in the UK

The UK’s solar energy landscape is ripe with potential, thanks to ongoing advancements in PV technology and supportive government policies. Innovations such as transparent solar panels and solar tiles integrate seamlessly into buildings, pointing towards a future where solar power is omnipresent and more efficient.


Solar energy offers a sustainable solution to power needs, significantly contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By understanding solar system generation capabilities and optimising efficiency, UK homeowners can actively participate in the nation’s green revolution. If you’re considering making the switch to solar or looking to enhance your current system’s performance, further information and personalised consultations are crucial steps towards a brighter, greener future.

Ready to explore solar solutions for your home or business? contact our experts today.

Renewable energy enthusiasts and environmental advocates, the power to change the future is within our reach—starting with the roofs over our heads. Solar energy in the UK is not just practical; it’s a step towards a sustainable world. Join the movement and be part of the clean energy transition.